
Ambienti - 22 Maggio 2019

Perché il travertino nelle piscine è sempre una scelta vincente

L’uso del travertino per il rivestimento delle piscine è sicuramente consigliato: è un materiale di origine calcarea che si forma e nasce dall’acqua e nell’acqua.
Da sempre è utilizzato per la realizzazione di ambienti acquatici come fontane e piscine; si pensi per esempio alle moltissime fontane romane (una su tutte la celebre Fontana di Trevi) e alle antiche terme.

Gli unici agenti esterni capaci di aggredire il travertino, danneggiandolo, sono gli acidi, sfatiamo quindi una volta per tutte l’idea che il cloro possa rovinare il nostro materiale di rivestimento: sicuramente l’azione del cloro porterà con il tempo ad una leggera alterazione del colore del travertino stesso, schiarendolo, ma assolutamente non danneggiandolo.
Altro elemento, per cui consigliamo l’uso del travertino in ambienti umidi, è la sua non scivolosità, anche da bagnato, come si può constatare dai vari test tecnici sul materiale.

Asexual Dating: Finding Love Beyond Sexual Attraction

Are you familiar with the concept of asexuality? In a world that often revolves around sexual attraction, asexuality challenges societal norms and offers a unique perspective on relationships and love. In this article, we delve into the world of asexual dating, exploring the complexities and joys of finding love beyond sexual attraction. Whether you identify as asexual yourself, or are simply curious about this often misunderstood orientation, join us as we navigate the intricacies of asexual dating and discover the beauty of emotional connections that transcend physical desires.

While many people may find it difficult to comprehend a relationship without any sexual attraction, asexual individuals experience fulfilling and meaningful connections that are based on emotional intimacy, trust, and mutual understanding. We will explore the various aspects of asexual dating, including the challenges faced by asexual individuals in a predominantly sexual society, the importance of communication and consent in asexual relationships, and the ways in which asexual dating can redefine traditional notions of love and companionship. So, whether you’re looking to understand asexuality on a deeper level or seeking advice on navigating the world of asexual dating, this article aims to provide insights and support for those seeking love beyond the boundaries of sexual attraction.

Understanding Asexuality: Defining a Unique Orientation

Asexual dating is about finding love and connection beyond sexual attraction. For individuals who identify as asexual, their lack of sexual desire or attraction does not diminish their desire for emotional intimacy and companionship. Asexual dating provides a platform for people to meet and form meaningful relationships based on mutual understanding and shared values.

In a society that often places a heavy emphasis on sexual attraction, asexual individuals can face unique challenges when it comes to dating. However, asexual dating platforms and communities have emerged to create a safe and inclusive space for asexual individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences and perspectives. These platforms allow asexual individuals to navigate the dating world without feeling pressured to conform to societal norms or expectations.

Navigating the Asexual Dating Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities Asexual dating is a unique and inclusive approach to finding love and companionship. Unlike traditional dating, which is often centered around sexual attraction, asexual dating focuses on building deep connections based on emotional intimacy, shared interests, and mutual respect. It provides a safe space for individuals who identify as asexual to explore relationships and form meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

One of the key benefits of asexual dating is the opportunity to forge relationships that are not solely dependent on sexual attraction. This allows individuals to be their authentic selves, free from societal pressures and expectations. Asexual dating platforms, such as, provide a supportive community where individuals can meet others who understand and embrace their asexuality. By connecting with people who share similar experiences and perspectives, individuals can navigate the dating world with confidence and find love beyond sexual attraction.

Exploring Alternative Forms of Intimacy: Beyond Physical Attraction

Asexual dating is a unique experience that challenges societal norms surrounding romantic relationships. Unlike traditional dating, where sexual attraction plays a significant role, asexual dating focuses on forming deep emotional connections and building meaningful partnerships. Asexual individuals, who do not experience sexual attraction, seek love and companionship based on shared interests, values, and emotional compatibility.

When it comes to asexual dating, communication and understanding are key. Asexual individuals often face misconceptions and stigmatization, which can make finding a compatible partner challenging. However, online platforms and communities specifically designed for asexual dating have emerged, providing a safe and supportive space for individuals to connect. These platforms allow asexual individuals to meet like-minded people who share similar experiences and desires for non-sexual intimacy. By embracing asexual dating, individuals can find love beyond sexual attraction and build fulfilling relationships based on emotional connection and compatibility.

Building Meaningful Connections: Strategies for Successful Asexual Dating

Asexual dating offers a unique perspective on finding love, as it goes beyond the traditional notion of sexual attraction. Asexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction towards anyone, regardless of gender. While some asexual individuals may experience romantic attraction, their relationships are not centered around a sexual connection. Instead, asexual dating focuses on emotional intimacy, companionship, and shared interests. It provides a safe space for individuals to form meaningful connections without the pressure of sexual expectations.

When it comes to asexual dating, communication and understanding are key. Open and honest conversations about sexual preferences and boundaries are crucial to building a successful relationship. Asexual individuals may seek partners who are also asexual or have a low sex drive, or they may find compatibility with sexual individuals who are understanding and willing to navigate a relationship without a sexual component. It’s important to remember that asexual dating is not about fixing or changing someone’s orientation, but rather embracing and respecting their unique needs and desires.

Fortunately, there are online communities and dating platforms specifically designed for asexual individuals to connect and find love. These platforms provide a supportive environment where asexual individuals can meet like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate their orientation. By joining these communities, individuals can explore romantic relationships, find companionship, and build meaningful connections based on shared values and emotional connection rather than sexual attraction. Asexual dating opens up a world of possibilities for finding love and companionship beyond the confines of traditional sexual relationships.

In conclusion, asexual dating provides a unique opportunity for individuals who experience little to no sexual attraction to find love and companionship. While society often places a heavy emphasis on sexual relationships, it is important to recognize that asexuality is a valid orientation and that asexual individuals deserve fulfilling and meaningful connections. Through online platforms and supportive communities, asexual individuals can connect with like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate their experiences. By embracing asexuality and seeking out compatible partners, asexual daters can build loving and fulfilling relationships that go beyond sexual attraction. So, if you identify as asexual or are interested in dating someone who is, don’t hesitate to explore the world of asexual dating and discover the possibilities of love beyond sexual attraction.

Nelle immagini seguenti puoi ammirare un nostro intervento realizzato in una splendida villa a Castiglione della Pescaia.

Piscina e villa in travertino chiaro

La piscina è stata completamente rivestita all’interno di piccole piastrelle da cm 10×10 burattate di Becagli chiaro Pdr 006, queste sono state montate in direzioni diverse, per differenziare le varie aree della piscina.

Piscina con pavimentazione in travertino


Piscina in travertino bordo a sfioro

I bordi sono stati realizzati a cm 4,5 di spessore, con lavorazioni particolari per contenere illuminazioni al Led per una migliore definizione dei dislivelli di notte.
Per formare un contrasto di colore, le zone relax intorno alla piscina sono invece realizzate in Becagli scuro Pdr 011. La finitura è Rurale, solo levigata.

Un’altra considerazione importante è il risultato che vorrai ottenere per il colore dell’acqua.

Cerchiamo di spiegarti meglio. L’acqua è evidentemente incolore, ma il fondo stesso di una piscina può determinarne delle variazioni. Per esempio, un fondo celeste farà sembrare l’acqua turchina, mentre l’aumentare della profondità la farà sembrare più scura.

Se guardi un lago di montagna, la cui acqua trasparente si staglia su un fondale più scuro, di colore non uniforme, l’acqua risulta cangiante, con sfumature dal verde al celeste.

Lago di montagna
E’ lo stesso effetto che si otterrà usando un colore di travertino cangiante, tipo il Pdr 013 terra chiara.

La bella stagione è alle porte: ha già scelto il travertino che fa al caso tuo?

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