
Design - 29 September 2016

Pietre di Rapolano at CERSAIE 2016

Pietre di Rapolano for Cersaie 2016, international exhibition of ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings, has realized “Leaves“, an installation made in travertine for Ceramica Sant’Agostino.

For the prestigious Ferrara company it was designed little sculptures to be placed within their booth at Cersaie fair in Bologna in a site specific gallery dedicated to their new natural stone-effect ceramic.

The travertines used for this production are the selections of Zebra Collection: Zebra Black [PDR055], Zebra Silver Grey [PDR052], Zebra Scura [PDR042], Zebra Chiara [PDR040], Zebra Gold [PDR044], and from the Nuvolati line, Coral Pink [PDR079 ] and Terra Chiara [PDR013].

These refined selections, some vein cut, enhance the texture of the stone bringing out the typical linear and parallel veins of travertine.

Cersaie 2016: installazione di travertino Pietre di Rapolano

“Leaves” consists of sculptural elements with organic forms that recall the structure and the characteristic veins of the leaves, creating a parallel with the veins of stone. The lightness of the carved elements is given by the treatment of travertine, which enhances the endless possibilities offered by natural stone.

Cersaie 2016: installazione di travertino Pietre di Rapolano

This project confirms the interest in natural stone, which has a value, a peculiarity and a unique aesthetic quality. The installation emphasizes the versatility of natural stone, suitable to produce a lot of home accessories, such as sinks, bathtubs, shower trays, staircases, fireplaces, in all the colors that Nature offer us.

LEAVES – Cersaie, 26-30 september, Bologna
c/o Ceramica Sant’Agostino, pavillion 16 stand B12-C11

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